Have an Account?
You must login or create an account to register for programs.
Please read the following information before registering:
- If you are not certain which group to register for please contact Castlegarskatingclub@gmail.com
- CanSkate and Risingt Stars are required by Skate Canada to wear properly fitted skates and only approved CSA helmets on the ice!
- It is mandatory for each skater to pay the Skate Canada Fee of $58.65 for the 2024-25 season this fee is NON REFUNDABLE and must be paid prior to stepping on the ice.
- A Volunteer Fee of $40 will be added to EACH Skater. This fee can be earned back by volunteering up to 2 hours for club events, competitions & fundraisers (1 hour of volunteer time= $20 refund)
- All program fees are subject to sufficient registration.
- Castlegar Skating Club is run by a team of VOLUNTEER local executives and we are always looking for engaged members or parents to help us. If you are interested in volunteering please email Castlegarskatingclub@gmail.com.
- Province wide restrictions and protocols.
- RDCK Safety Plan
- There are currently no restrictions at this time!!
- All skaters must wear proper skating attire this means tight fitting moveable clothing, gloves for hands, helmet if required, and all fees must be paid.